Adult Ged Classes Chicago


Mayor Rahm Emanuel and City Colleges of Chicago Chancellor Cheryl Hyman today announced that educational opportunities for adults across Chicago are expanding because of a comprehensive effort to both target its adult education offerings in areas where there is high demand as well as dramatically increase the number of community locations that provide these important classes. Twenty-four new locations are now open in neighborhoods from Brighton Park to Englewood to Avondale, supporting adults looking to earn a GED, improve their English language skills or become college ready. Six additional new sites are expected to open in the coming months to meet community demand. All CCC adult education classes are free.

Adult Ged Classes Chicago Illinois

Adult ged classes chicago 2016

“Learning is a life-long pursuit and it is incumbent upon us to ensure Chicagoans have access to quality education programs that supports their success, from pre-k to college and beyond,” said Mayor Rahm Emanuel. “From day one we have been working to make the kinds of strategic and effective investments that promote a strong and vibrant workforce and support the success of our residents, from early education to continuing adult learning.” In addition to increasing the number of adult education off-sites, CCC is also ensuring that every site is directly affiliated with a nearby City College. With this change, the adult education classes remain current and if students are interested in continuing their education further, there is an easy pathway to other City Colleges programs. All off-sites offer beginner- and intermediate-level instruction, with CCC colleges and satellite sites offering advanced-level classes. Prior to this comprehensive effort, CCC operated 39 adult education off-sites.

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