For example, you can increase the size of your company logo, whilst making certain text, such as terms and conditions, really small. It is ideal for business documents, sales promotional flyers and personal things like party invitations – all the sorts of things you might want to create a PDF from scratch for.
Anda bisa mengunduh aplikasi berbasis software yang berguna untuk mengubah PDF ke word dan sebaliknya. Anda cukup memasukkan file yang ingin diubah, apakah dari word ke PDF atau dari PDF ke word.
The licensing means that the software is totally free whether you want to put it to a personal or a commercial use. Interface and Usability The interface is fairly self-explanatory with this software. For example, for inserting text into your document with Free PDF Editor, all have to do is to click the toolbar button named 'Insert Text'. Alternatively, you can navigate to this option from the main menu. An input box will then open up in the document, allowing to type freely or to copy in text from elsewhere. From this default configuration it is then possible to move or resize the text box. Furthermore, the program also allows for some handy text format tools, such as fonts, colour choices and text size.