Hallelujah Praise And Worship Song

When I started leading worship for the Sunday school kids, I saw two issues. First, because we joined all the classes for a common musical worship time, there were kids ranging from ages 3-11. So I wanted songs that were easy to sing, and to keep the attention of the younger kids, have actions associated with the songs.

Above all, the songs should be Christ centered and have enough substance such that even the adult volunteers should be able to sing and reflect on the words and be drawn closer to Jesus. Those were my two goals in writing children worship songs. In the end, it is not the song, but the moving of the Spirit and the grace of the Lord Jesus that will cause true worship, but I do hope and pray that these songs may be used as a vehicle for God to work in the lives of children to know Christ more and to follow Him in full surrender. Lyrics: I lift my hands and I wave for joy For Jesus, you are awesome! (AWESOME!) I clap my hands and I shout for joy For you deserve all the glory So we sing, 'Hallelujah, Hallelujah!' And we sing, 'Hallelujah, Hallelujah!'

WorshipGospel praise and worship songs on youtubeHallelujah praise and worship song

Free Praise And Worship Lyrics

Praise you Yahweh, Praise you God! Hallelujah, Praise You Jesus! I bend my knees and I jump with glee For Jesus, you have saved me! (SAVED ME!) I smile real big and I spin for joy For we have been forgiven I wave my hands and I dance with hope For we will live in freedom! (FREEDOM!) I stomp my foot and pump my fist For Jesus, you have crushed sin.

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